Savvy Skincare for Seniors

Dry and itchy skin affects three quarters of seniors in America. Just as regular exercise helps you stay healthy in the long-term, having a daily skincare regime can help keep your skin in good condition. This doesn’t mean hours of special treatments; rather, just some simple steps to ensure you are allowing your skin to breathe.

Savvy Skincare for Seniors

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Be wise when washing

Seniors are more vulnerable to skin conditions such as cellulitis, due to their compromised immune systems and weaker skin, with over 70% of cases affecting the lower limbs. Protect your skin by being careful with the way you wash. For example, try not to use water that is too hot, as this is more likely to aggravate and dry out your skin. Also, use a damp cloth and do not dry your skin completely with a towel afterwards. Ensuring your skin is not totally dry when moisturizing will help keep it hydrated and prevent your skin from becoming irritated. Finally, avoid fragranced body wash, in order to keep your skin as full of natural oils as possible.

Be mindful of sun exposure

Ensuring one sees enough daylight is very important when it comes to getting a healthy dose of vitamin D. It is also known to give our mental health a boost. This is particularly important for seniors, especially those living alone, as they are more susceptible to prolonged time indoors. At the same time, however, it is important not to become exposed to UV sunlight for too long, because of the increased risk of skin cancer. With this in mind, keep your skin protected by sitting in the shade when outdoors on a sunny day, and wearing water-resistant sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30.

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Eat for healthy skin

Your diet not only impacts what goes on inside you, but also on the surface. Aim to eat foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as oily fish, strawberries, beans and even dark chocolate. Antioxidants help lower the production of free radicals, which can have a negative impact on our skin. Meanwhile, be sure to drink lots of water on a daily basis, as this helps flush out toxins from your body and keep you and your skin hydrated.

Small steps will do wonders for your skin

Our skin will inevitably change as we get older. However, it isn’t necessary to do anything complicated to look after it. Keeping your skin as healthy as possible just means being sensible and taking some simple measures on a daily basis.