Secret Quick Magical Easy Tricks to Wealth

This is for anyone who has debt and low savings. Here in this post I will divulge the secret quick magical easy tricks to wealth and financial independence. What I am about to reveal to you will change your world. By putting this plan to work you will achieve the financial independence you dream about. All the freedom to pursue the life you have always wanted.

If you read financial independence and early retirement articles and bogs you probably see the same old thing going on and on about what it takes to reach financial independence.

Pay Yourself First.

Paying yourself first by setting aside a percentage of your income should be a life priority. It should be started as early as possible. Start with 10% and then as your finances allows increase your savings rate dramatically. Always look for ways to increase your income. Consider side hustles to bring in extra money. Wealthy people pay themselves first and poor people pay themselves last. You must develop the saving mindset. Once you fully reach it you will know. Because saving for your future becomes ingrained into your DNA. A habit that you don’t even think about any longer. Invest more aggressively when you are young. Then diversify, changing your investment risk strategy as you get closer to your financial independence number.

Pay off all debt.

The way to financial independence is by having a low monthly lifestyle cost. Paying monthly debt for stuff you bought long before is not going to help with that. Get rid of it all and then send all that money you were paying others to now pay yourself. This is how you accelerate your wealth building.

Simplify your lifestyle.

You need to stop buying crap that doesn’t add to your overall happiness and live a smart frugal life that challenges your frugality threshold so you can wring out the maximum amount of spending waste. There is no room in a financial independence or early retirement plan for keeping up with Joneses or for having the latest and greatest dew-hickey that comes out every six months. Get over it and stop wasting money on stuff you really don’t need or use. Set a realistic and sustainable budget and revisit it regularly. Everyone has waste in their budget that they can cut especially to reach the worthy goal of financial independence. Send that savings directly to pay off debt and once you are debt free add it to your savings rate.

But that isn’t why you are reading this page. You want to know the secret quick magical easy tricks to wealth and financial independence. You want and need the shortcut. All of that same old stuff above takes too long and everyone knows about it or can easily find out about it.

So without wasting any more of your time here are the secret quick magical easy tricks to wealth and financial independence:

Earn more income than you spend and smartly invest the difference while embracing simple and frugal lifestyle habits that will ultimately result in your increased wealth.

The secret is there is no secret quick magical easy tricks to wealth and financial independence. The reason people talk about the boring common tried and true steps above is because it works and has worked for hundreds of years but few people are willing to live it, preferring instead for a consumerist lifestyle and enslavement by their debt and their high cost of living. It is no secret, it isn’t quick, once you start it does seem the snowball effect is magical, it won’t feel easy at first but will as it becomes a habit, and the tricks aren’t tricks as much as truths that work.

Put simply, the fastest and most certain way to financial independence is through maximizing your savings rate by taking control of your spending and at the same time increasing your income, both earned and unearned (investments).

Why this post?

I continually see negative comments when reading financial related articles and recently read one in particular on a blog about a budget strategy that I thought was unnecessary and unhelpful. I suppose I am lashing out with this post. I just feel that these negative commenting people are looking for a shortcut.

Of course they aren’t interested in any answers or truths like this because they seem to have written them off as impossible due to their current financial status. They are trapped in their lifestyle and without admitting it they are regretting the consequences of their choices leaving unhelpful negative comments about what others have successfully done and are willing to share.

No matter what your income is, living within your means and paying yourself first still applies. It isn’t easy and you must have an optimistic attitude while doing all you can to reach your goals.


Every article and blog you read about financial independence will touch on the same truths but may have different flavors or ideas. What works for me in the Rocky Mountain region of the US might not work easily for someone in New York, Canada, etc. and vice versa. The trick is to take from the financial independence articles and blogs that you read what will work for you so you can create your own personal strategic plan. There are no shortcuts. You are already taking the time to read and research along these lines so be open to the ideas presented. Have the patience and courage to do what you can to make it happen for yourself. If your situation is unique then comment and ask questions. You may be surprised by what you will learn.

Have you run into someone who is just looking for a F.I. shortcut?

Do you know of any “legal” shortcuts that you are willing to share?

6 thoughts on “Secret Quick Magical Easy Tricks to Wealth

  1. A couple of people I know would prefer parental bailouts which is something I just can’t relate to; at all. I would rather roll up my sleeves, challenge my mind and do what needs to be done in order to achieve FI the way that as you said, will work best for me.

    1. Hello Kassandra. Thank you for the comment. Nothing worthwhile is easily gained so why not use YOUR OWN strategic plan that will work for you. At least that is the way I see it. I have someone close to me who has always been in the quick-fix mindset. It is hard for me to accept that lifestyle.

  2. I think it is important to keep sharing the basics. If someone is in the situation you’re describing it’s important to have “common sense” available on the internet too, not just get rich quick schemes.

    1. Thanks for the comment CheapMom. Yes, common sense is always necessary. I think that for the desperate the quick fix is all they want to hear about. I think that once people realize there isn’t one they can make a common sense decision to get to work and do what needs to be done and that starts with the basics.

  3. Simplifying and paying yourself first are important. Whenever I travel I’m reminded that we really don’t need much to get by and be happy. The more control we are with our wealth the happier we become too.

    1. Thank you for the comment. It always comes down to the basics although not very creative or enlightening to hear when you are someone needing something quick to resolve financial hardship. I also find that when we really look at what we need and what brings true happiness to us that we don’t need to spend a lot to have it.

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